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Parent Companion
CourseSupplement to the College Companion. Includes • resources, checklists, and tips for parents • Student spreadsheet integration with college lists imported. • College Data • College affordability sheet to compare potential costs.
College Companion Spreadsheets for IECs
CourseIncludes: dropdown list of colleges to autofill data and Common App requirements. You will learn how to customize this spreadsheet to streamline and manage your students' experience.
College Data and Application Tracker
CourseIncludes the College List Data and Application Tracker with autofilled data and Common App requirements. You will learn how to customize this spreadsheet to streamline and manage your students' experience.
College Companion BASIC Spreadsheet
CourseIncludes customizable template to manage your student workflow and curriculum. ***Does not include college data integration. You will learn how to customize this spreadsheet to streamline and manage your students' experience.