Course Curriculum

    1. About This Course

    2. Terms of Use Agreement: Please Review

    3. Request the Template Here

    1. Need help? Support Request Form and Facebook Group

    1. Home Page - Preparing Your Resources

    2. Basic Spreadsheet Info

    3. Try it - Using the CCS as a Student

    1. Home Page

    2. About You

    3. Academics

    4. Activities

    5. Tests

    6. College Criteria

    7. College Research

    8. Majors and Careers

    9. Application Tracker

    1. Using Form Publisher

    2. Creating a Master Spreadsheet

    1. Working with Students (onboarding, making changes)

    2. Sharing Settings and Template Updates

About this course

  • $397.00
  • INCLUDES THE TEMPLATE TO GET STARTED and lessons on how to customize for your own practice!